We participate in most insurance plans. This includes Anthem/BCBS, Aetna, and Cigna to name a few. In addition, many individuals involved in automobile accidents are covered through their medical payments rider of the automobile insurance which covers chiropractic services.
Fees are based upon the services rendered. An initial visit may consist of a consultation and medical history, examination, possible x-rays followed by spinal manipulation. Various therapies are available if necessary. A typical first visit will range $75-200. Subsequent visits start at $33, but may run higher if more procedures are required.
Most insurances cover these services and pay a percentage of the total charges. We offer several payment options to our patients, especially those with high deductibles or no insurance. We are able to offer the discount non-insurance program through Chiropractic Health USA.
As a Palmer graduate, Dr. Wilson is qualified in numerous techniques. Each patient presents with a unique condition so treatments are customized to what he believes will provide the most benefit, least (if any) discomfort, and the quickest results. Most techniques Dr. Wilson uses are gentle spinal manipulations with soft tissue work (stretching, massage, etc.).
Treatment Time
Our goal is always to return the patient to “doing the things they like to do” as quickly as possible. This may initially require several treatments during the acute or painful stage of an injury, but once this is relieved most patients are given “homework” to assist them in their recovery. A typical patient requires fewer than ten visits over a six-eight week period before being released from care.
Most initial visits can be scheduled on the same day. A first visit is usually completed in one hour as Dr. Wilson takes care to be thorough in finding the problem and customizing a treatment plan. Subsequent visits take ½ hour or less. We take pride in the efficiency of our practice and our patients frequently comment on how prompt their appointments are!